
The last of us part ii pc steam
The last of us part ii pc steam

the last of us part ii pc steam

Though Ellie is fully prepared to sacrifice herself for the good of humanity, Joel ignores her wishes and forcibly removes her from the medical facility while she is under anesthesia, then lies to her about the incident.Īs I moved from one extraordinarily rendered environment to the next - simply coming across a light source in a room can be diverting - the staggering amount of detail on display everywhere made me mull over the human cost that goes into making something on the scale of “The Last of Us Part II.” In an industry notorious for asking employees to keep long hours, the perfectionist culture at Naughty Dog still stands out. After delivering her to the Fireflies, he is emotionally undone to discover that she will have to forfeit her life for the manufacture of a vaccine. But eventually he comes to love Ellie as a daughter.

the last of us part ii pc steam

As it stands, Ellie is the only known person to have survived being bitten by “the infected.” From the beginning Joel tries to remain unattached to her to ward himself from potential suffering. They head out West to meet up with the Fireflies, a hard-pressed group of survivors living in the shadow of a collapsed society who hope to use Ellie to synthesize a vaccine to counter the plague that has turned most of the human population into flesh-chomping monstrosities. Joel is a middle-aged smuggler hired to transport Ellie, a young teenager, across the country. “The Last of Us” (2013) told the story of Joel and Ellie.

The last of us part ii pc steam